Tam Rim Alpine Yurts FAQs
What time do hut guests meet? 9:00AM at the Upper Three Creeks Snowpark on the first day.
What time do hut guests return to the parking lot? Our normal return shuttles leave the huts at 2:30 and return to the parking lot around 3-3:30. This time can often be adjusted, just let us know.
How do we pay the balance? When we meet your group on day 1, we will collect the balance. We accept: Venmo (add 3%), Check (no fee), Cash, (no fee)
Coffee? We have french press’.
Water? Most of the winter a fresh water spring is flowing near the huts. If it’s not flowing we melt snow.
Where can I rent or demo backcountry skis? Mountain Supply, Between Evergreens
Dogs? No dogs…even well behaved dogs with big floppy ears are not allowed, sorry. Our staff dog Ursa might be out there if you need some dog love.
Kids? Minimum age is 13.
How should we pack our food? Please put all your food in coolers or plastic tubs.
One of group members can’t make it till the next day, can he get a shuttle in? We only run shuttles once for each group arriving, and each group returning. It is also important that the group all arrive at the same time so they don’t miss the avalanche/snow safety meeting. If we must run an extra shuttle it will be based on availability and there will be an extra charge.
Can we ski ourselves into and out of the huts? Absolutely, its 6 miles and an elevation gain of 1,1ooft. There is a boring snow packed road, or you can take the more interesting, but longer nordic trail route. The $40 shuttle now is included in your total price whether you use it or not. You are welcome to throw your gear in the shuttle and ski in light.
Can we bring our own snowmobile? You can, however by the time you gas/oil it up, trailer it, break some parts and deal with dragging in all your group’s gear, you might as well just use our equipment. If you do bring your own sled, we ask that you do not rip around in the vicinity of the Yurts for the sake of peace and quite.
Is there cell reception at the huts? The coverage is very spotty and unreliable. Turn the phone off and ski!
What do we do for emergency communication? We have an emergency satellite beacon devise at the yurts
What are the best maps to bring? The “Broken Top” USGS Quadrant has most of the terrain. We also have laminated maps of the terrain available to borrow at the huts.
What if the snow conditions are awful, can we cancel or postpone our trip? We rent out the huts, not the snow pack. For us to operate sustainably we have to be very strict with our no cancellation policy. We say that 85% of the time, the skiing is great, 10% not so great, and 5% awful. For those that end up in the 5% category the focus must change from skiing to simply enjoying spending time in the woods with friends. If you think you might need or want to cancel, please consider travel insurance because we are not in a position to be flexible with our no cancellation policy. Some guests have successfully used www.travelgaurd.com.